Coach Development


Are you interested in giving back to the sport?  The National Coaching Certification
Program (NCCP) and Bowls Canada Boulingrin Club Coach, Competitive Coach, and
Bowls Performance Coach programs are for you.

The Club Coach course:

Designed for a player with a few years experience that wishes
to welcome new members to the club and leading them to playing in a fun and
participant-centred, safe and welcoming environment.

Please email:

The Competitive Coach course:

Designed for the coach who will be working with a wide
range of bowlers who are competing in club tournaments and possibly playing in
provincial play-down events. This course is now fully subscribed for the 2024 season.

Jake Schuknecht. Bowls Development Manager, Bowls Canada Boulingrin 

Please email:

The Bowls Performance Coach program:

Designed for the coach of athletes who are of
intermediate and advanced skill levels and who want to compete successfully at the
national level.  The coaches of athletes in Provincial and National tournament
competitions and coaches of athletes wishing to compete internationally.
Please email the office for further information.

Please Visit:


Alberta’s head coaches for 2024 are Pat Vos & Mike O’Reilly. Each is available to
offer organisational support of the club coaches across the province and help develop
coaching plans for players striving to reach a new level as a competitive player. 

Contact for more information.