Provincial Representatives

Head Coach

Pat Vos & Mike O’Reilly

Head Umpire 

Bill Black 

Provincial Safe Sport Officer

David Wilson 


Provincial Board of Directors

President Claire Day
Vice President  Vacant 
Secretary Joy White
Treasurer Joy White
Provincial Director Vacant
Provincial Director Geoff Connor
Provincial Director Monika Pachan
Southern Representative




Bowls Alberta, as a non-profit organization, is run by an elected board. This board
sets policies, procedural documents, and the mandates. This way the work of the
Executive Director and the Committees is directed by the board.
Board positions and the work of the board are first directed by what can be found
in the BA Bylaws as attached as the end of the T of R’s.

The Executive Director’s tasks are outlined in the job description and is directly
responsible to the President.

There are several standing committees and each committee, except the
Officiating Committee, should have a board member either as chair or a member
of the committee. Each committee’s work is guided by a Terms of Reference
which outlines the particulars and the tasks of the committee. Theses are
reviewed annually by each committee and any changes must to presented to the
Board for approval.

The committees are as follows:

  • Athlete Development Committee
  • Awards Committee
  • Bowling Program Committee
  • Coaching Development Committee
  • Officiating Committee
  • Marketing Committee
  • Youth Development Committee
  • Nominations Committee

From time to time the board will set up an Adhoc Committee which is given a
specific task and then the Committee is disbanded when the work is completed.

During the winter of 2020/21 the Terms of References were reviewed and
updated by each committee, then reviewed by a lawyer from Sport Law and
Strategy, and then approved by the Board of Directors. Note that the Awards
Committee’s tasks are still under development; the Coaching Development
Committee work is mostly be completed by the Head Coach and the office; and
the Nominations Committee functions under what is outlined in the Bylaws.