Planning the 2020 Season

Bowls AB’s Board has met a few times over the last couple of months and appointments have been made to committees.  And these committees are actively planning for another full calendar of events: The Bowling Program Committee is in the final stages of approving...

2019 AGM update

The 2019 AGM was attended by reps from all member clubs along with six guests and two board members. It was a very information and interactive meeting and we thank everyone that gave up a Saturday to attend! We were delighted to have guests from the Red Deer Steering...

Annual General Membership Meeting

The 2019 AGM is set for October 19 at the Living Stones Church in Red Deer.  The meeting will start at 11 am, break for lunch at 12:30 pm, resume at 1 pm and should be completed by 3 pm. Elections for new board members, with 6 open positions, occurs at this meeting....

Indoor Singles Championships

The last provincial Championship of 2019 is the Indoor Singles set for Sept. 13-15 at the Commonwealth Club in Edmonton.  For updates on this tournament check the ‘Next Tournament Information Page’.  For a list of who is playing check out the Tournament...